

Gold Member
Username: Blainew

Diamonds in the back.

Post Number: 1863
Registered: Nov-05
okay i think im buying a panasonic in dash screen.... i want it to play dvds while driving, so is there simply a wire that i just dont wire???

and which is it?

Gold Member
Username: Alias747

Eclipse Ti, MN

Post Number: 1633
Registered: Apr-05
Why don't you just go to panasonics site and get the manual for it. It should have a wiring diagram for it. I am sure that is would be simple to wire it so you can watch and drive. I believe that its not supposed to play unless the e-brake is set. But that sounds like a simple "don't wire that wire" kind of thing. GL.

Gold Member
Username: B101


Post Number: 3978
Registered: Sep-05
no you must wire that wire... lol

basically ground the ebrake wire...

as long as your hu doesnt have built-in navigation that can sense when u are moving (wheel sensor but most important GPS)... then u can bypass it by grounding the e-brake wire or buying a periphial to bypass it or hooking up a relay...

the pioneer z1 hu are the only 1 that we couldnt get bypassed.. cause the built in navigation still told the hu, we are moving (GPS)... it would play then cut right back out...

Gold Member
Username: Blainew

Diamonds in the back.

Post Number: 1865
Registered: Nov-05
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