Massive audio CW 12 ?


Bronze Member
Username: Trey4sports

Post Number: 74
Registered: Sep-06
i was watchin a vid on ROE of one of these and damn the excursion is effin huge, looks very similar to a W7, and the end of the vid it showed a reading of 145.8 with a single 12, considering these are only $250 sounded like BS to me but i would like to hear what you guys think, in fact check the vid out..

Silver Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

Maryville, TN Us

Post Number: 487
Registered: Feb-06
I was wondering the same thing. Everyone is too infatuated with the Mag to look at the Massives...

Silver Member
Username: Kenwa

Post Number: 591
Registered: May-04
I had a pair of those subs, they do get loud and sound good doing it. I dont know what kind of power and box tuning they had to do that kind of number with a single 12 though so dont expect to do a number like that with 1 or even 2 of those subs.

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 10362
Registered: Jul-05
sooo....they are no mags...not even close...sorry...

And im getting really tired of seeing people say he hit XXX.XXdbs with 1 of these subs...soooo what...thats not saying much...thats not impressive at all..Every single sub can get loud in the right install period....

Silver Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

Maryville, TN Us

Post Number: 489
Registered: Feb-06
No joke chauncey. This is what I was talkin about being not helpful. Everyone knows they're not a good as the mag, but they also cost 300 dollars less (ebay). Anyways, of course any sub can get loud, he just made a simple statement. Chill.

Silver Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

Maryville, TN Us

Post Number: 490
Registered: Feb-06

Silver Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 774
Registered: Jul-06
I have to agree with Reece on this one Chauncey...and by the way since when can ANY single sub get loud?If you know an install to get loud with every sub please let me know so I can get a Funky Pup,since I could get loud with it right?Although I do have to agree about the shi± about certain single sub set ups...and all the other BS on ecoustics...that's why I'm on here rarely.
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