Ok, Yes, I'm asking this. Does anyone know for sure (for sure as in, technically specific) what the exact differences are sound wise between a 10 and a 12 inch subwoofer that is exactly the same model/brand?
To my knowledge, the 10 is supposed to hit faster, better for rock, etc, but what I'm worried about is the low end.
Will the 10 represent the low notes just as well as a 12 inch? They both say they go to 18hz in the specification charts. I LOVE representing really low notes, the ones that you can really feel - that actually distort your voice when your talking, mm yah :D
The differences in sound will be that one procudes a slighty "deeper" tone than the smaller sub, b.c it has more cone area, and thus more "sound" resonating off the cone.
IF the sub is built RIGHT, there shouldnt be a noticeable difference in "SQ" between the 10 and 12. again...the louder deeper bass, but no difference in sound, and you won't be able to tell any difference in "quickness" from a few more grams of moving mass on the larger cone.
If you want authoritative low notes, don't but 10's. The larger the cone, the louder it can play the lower frequencies. so go for larger subwoofers.
For authoritative low notes....don't get an Infinity anything. lol
Look a Fi Car Audio Q, Stereo Integrity Magnum, Crystal CompX2, SoundSplinter RL-p, writer's block.....lol
"a good 18" sq sub like a SSI 18 will sound just as good as a 10 or 12" sub" Low notes this low notes that, yes they are needed, but how will your great 18" sub blend in with, say, 6's? How will an 18 play into 100hz, 120hz, even 200hz (since you don't cross over with a 48db slope LOL) I never go above 12". 10 vs 12 = small difference 10 vs 18 = why would you want an 18??? All respect to 18" lovers and all SPL guys on the forum, but to me SPL is:
Ok.. now to add something.. lets say you had the same model subs.. 1 10 and 1 12.. now but the 10 has a lower Fs than the 12.. the 12 have the cone area advantage but the 10 has the lower Fs.. all in all how equal would it be for the lows or would the 12 still have the advantage..
How well it sounds depends on the manufacture and its linear excursion limits. Most good manufactures use different motors per base size of sub meaning the motor will be larger as the subs ize goes up. I have seen manufactures use the same motors for the 15's/18's and for the 10's/12's. This makes a small but noticeable difference due to moving mass under the same amount of BL. With this mentioned it will effect transient responce and sound a little muddier than the smaller unit. Now with the motor part covered the linear excursion will play a big part also, even with a larger motor compensating for the moving mass you have to remember the power limitation is set, take an SSI for example it is limited to 750rms +/- 1000rms The amount of available input power effects BL also, this in turns sets the amount of motor control regardless of the size of the sub. Now it all breaks down to the SUSPENSION, yep the suspension will have a huge role in how fast the cone recovers from its travel and because the larger the sub the larger the excursion limit the 18 will not recover as fast and that will effect its sound quality when compared to the smaller ones. I like the compromise of a 15 but in the business like in drag racing there is no substitute for cubic inches... Polo..
Polo thanks for ANSWERING Maris b4 I read this... lol
all MANUFACTURES are different in the motor designs! PERIOD! MOST manufaturers use a 15" motor on their 18".... MOST companies do this to cut cost and expense!
If u have a SQ motor designed specifically for a 18" lets say.. (not a 15" motor to cut cost) then your 18" will sound good and blend good and still hurt!!
Ah, awsome. Thanks for the help everyone. Basically I can get a set of those 12VQ infinities for around 350shipped - and with my 611a 600watt infinity amp, its a good combo. I dont know much about those other brands, and my enclosure is for 2 12's so I'll prolly stick with my infinities. Thanks though guys.