Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 605 Registered: Aug-06 | I got this debate thing due wednesday for school being agaisnt g@y marriage, Just starting it... Wondering if any philosophers are in here to check out my reasoning against it |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86OG eCoustics Member Post Number: 8589 Registered: Aug-05 | nope. ghey marriage is...ghey.![]() |
Silver Member Username: SplmonsterNowhere, OH USA Post Number: 551 Registered: May-06 | lol sounds like a good enough philosophy too me hahahaha |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4960 Registered: Jun-04 | Philosophy isnt what I would look to I would look to God and his word. He really is wise and wants the best for all of us. |
Silver Member Username: Naledge503Working on a secret pr..., Oregon USA Post Number: 545 Registered: Jun-06 | Leviticus 18:22 King James Version (KJV) "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination". New International Version (NIV) "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." Leviticus 20:13 KJV "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." NIV "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Those are my "philosophies". And my point of view. and I'm sticking to it. I will not argue with anyone trying to argue. |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 607 Registered: Aug-06 | guys i wanted to use the bible as my main reasoning. Then my teacher told me that this is a philosophy class the bible has nothing to do with philosophy. But i went with darwins theory of revolution instead which is kind of good |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4961 Registered: Jun-04 | As you read those scriptures you must also remember that "God is for us and not against us" and John 3:16 and GOD (THE FATHER) so LOVED the WORLD that he gave his only beggotten son (JESUS) that whosoever believith in him (Jesus) shall not perish but have everlasting life. Also that his word says that Jesus came that you might have LIFE and have it more abundantly. And that you shall no the truth and the truth shall set you free and that Jesus said I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 608 Registered: Aug-06 | evolution** lol |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4962 Registered: Jun-04 | ok then tell him what God's philosophy is....LOL The bible isnt just a book its about a real living God alive and well today....he doesnt call himself the alpha (begining) and omega (End) for nothing. |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86OG eCoustics Member Post Number: 8593 Registered: Aug-05 | i can see this thread getting ugly.... |
Silver Member Username: RiskybPost Number: 388 Registered: Feb-06 | My philosophy has always been: "I support g@y marriage if both chicks are hot." Darwin's theory of revolution? You mean evolution? That's more scientific than philosophical it would still work though I think. What are you trying to say? Do you mean natural selection where basically the g@ys won't have g@y offspring to continue the g@yness? Personally, I have no problems with g@y people. The flaming ones are annoying so I avoid them and for the rest I could care less as long as I'm not forced to be around them. I think the bible is incredibly hypocritical. For me it's basically aesop's fables. I don't think you should ever solely base your decision off of it. The morals are good but, living and breathing it word for word is stupid. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4964 Registered: Jun-04 | The bible..."There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it profits him nothing" The bible..."The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. your teacher....guys i wanted to use the bible as my main reasoning. Then my teacher told me that this is a philosophy class the bible has nothing to do with philosophy. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4965 Registered: Jun-04 | Sorry his teacher got me started LOL |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4966 Registered: Jun-04 | his teacher wouldnt want me in his class cuz id write around his only philosphy request |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 609 Registered: Aug-06 | haha yeah i dont want this to get ugly lol, yeah i wanted to use the bible because thats why i dont feel its right for g@y marriage. Thats why me and my friend picked this topic, then he told us we cant use this topic.... Whats really bad is me and my friends are debating agaisnt two lesbi@ns they are going to kill us. |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 610 Registered: Aug-06 | this is what i wrote in like 15 minutes... Its just a rough draft. Im going to fix it... Let me know if tehres anything i can correct also... For the third argument I will be discussing Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin's theory says that any adaptation that does not help the species survive is a defect. Marriage is a building block to society, if anything weakens marriage it is bad for society. In marriage you have two people who want to spend the rest of each others life with one another. When people marry the next thing they usually want to bring them closer is a child. If two men or two women marry it is impossible for them to create a child to care for and love. Darwin uses An irreducibly complex system to help define his view. An irreducibly complex system is one composed of multiple parts, all of which are necessary for the system to function. If even one part is missing, the entire system will fail to function. An example of An irreducibly complex system is a mouse trap. A mousetrap is composed of five basic parts, a catch to hold the bait, a powerful spring, a thick rod called the hammer, a holding bar to secure the hammer in place, and a platform to mount the trap. If anyone of these parts is missing" the mechanism will not work. An irreducibly complex system Plays part in g@y marriage because in order to create a child you need a man and a woman. With out one of these creating a child would be impossible. In this type of marriage one of its parts is missing which creates the whole creation of a child to fail. So what can people who get married to the same gender do to have a child? They do the only thing they can do adopt a child. Which leads me to my question I have for you. ( I have to ask a question to the people i am debating) Do you think its fair for a child to grow up without both a mother and father, and do you think its fair for this child to be subject to the abuse he or she will have to grow up in by other children because he has two mothers or two fathers? The only serious problem i seee so far is im using some opinion in it, and not all facts. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4967 Registered: Jun-04 | well I have prayed for you and your friend.... im done now |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 611 Registered: Aug-06 | i could also write around his request of only philosophy. By stating some stuff written from the vatican that are arguments based on reason and not from the bible or have any religious revelation. |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 612 Registered: Aug-06 | why did u pray for me and my friend? Im not saying i hate g@y people or anything like that at all. Im just doing some debate i have to do in order to earn my credits needed to graduate. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanalivePine hill, Nj US Post Number: 1032 Registered: Jun-06 | C'mon guys. Adam and Eve, not adam and Steve. There's no philosophy about it. We as a species are thousands (if not many more) of years away from "Evolution" making it even possible for same sex reproduction. Any "person" thinking that same sex "marriage" is natural and productive is disturbed. Believe in God or not, two men can't reproduce life, as well as two women. You see, this is what shows like Jerry Springer drool for, the extreme, perverse and demented. I can't believe schools are debating this, like it's our future. THERE IS NO FUTURE IN H@MOSEXUALITY!!! Those confused need to renew their Pl@yboy subscription. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4968 Registered: Jun-04 | If it was me one way I would write around it would be something like this.....There once was a wise man who walked the earth and this wise man came with a purpose a purpose beyond the ordinary and if he were here today he would say.....etc LOL |
Gold Member Username: WingmanalivePine hill, Nj US Post Number: 1033 Registered: Jun-06 | Can you believe the word pl@yboy is not allowed here? What is this, disney?????? |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana DD 9515d~~]... Post Number: 3799 Registered: Mar-04 | Its: Insert tab 'A' into slot 'B'. Its not: Tab 'A' next to tab 'C'. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4970 Registered: Jun-04 | no no i prayed so that Gods will would be done and he could use it |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 615 Registered: Aug-06 | so did anyone read what i wrote i know it looks like a lot im suprised it looks like its so much lol. (Damn this thread blew up quick lol) |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4971 Registered: Jun-04 | I never focused on hate |
Silver Member Username: RiskybPost Number: 394 Registered: Feb-06 | all wood no beaver makes jack a dull a boy |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4972 Registered: Jun-04 | I read it as you posted it looks good |
Gold Member Username: WingmanalivePine hill, Nj US Post Number: 1034 Registered: Jun-06 | Does this look appealing to anyone here? I hope not.![]() |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4973 Registered: Jun-04 | kinda like a believer without joy is like a believer without life |
Gold Member Username: WingmanalivePine hill, Nj US Post Number: 1035 Registered: Jun-06 | Sorry for the ranting. I was stupid enough to buy and watch a movie recently that I hadn't seen or heard about. "Brokeback Mountain". I have officially declared that movie anti everything good. I'm tramatized for life. I'll ship it to anyone who wants it, free of charge. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 618 Registered: Aug-06 | cool thanks a lot sean, any positive feeback makes me less nervous to stand in front of my class and debate against two girls |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4974 Registered: Jun-04 | LOL brokeback mountain of all movies.....I know your joking LOL |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4975 Registered: Jun-04 | yw cavs....youll do just fine |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 4976 Registered: Jun-04 | well im outta here guys and possibly some gals....yeah right only fake ones LOL |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 619 Registered: Aug-06 | ^^ haha lol.... Brokeback mountain lol me and my friend use to joke around about that at work until he threatened a girl playing around and was fired |
Silver Member Username: GrebnereonPost Number: 478 Registered: Mar-06 | i agree with sean, i mean do you see gaay animals?? us and animals were created the same way, nomatter if you believe in evolution or the Bible.animals are natural and not messed up like us humans, they are 100% natural and they are NOT gaay. |
Silver Member Username: J_baby15Kentucky Post Number: 777 Registered: Feb-06 | Since we're talkin about G ay ppl. I am completely against them. But i have a story bout fa gs at our school. This one lil fa g was goin around tellin ppl that some kid suckd his d!ck(which never happend). so the kid finds the fa g, picks him up by the throat off the ground, pins him in a corner and beats his face in. LoL. It made my whole week. The kids nose was broke, blood drippn from the side of his mouth and his eye was swole shut by the time he got to leave school. LoL. Sorry guys, but i cant stand g a y that act all proud to be a fa g. |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana DD 9515d~~]... Post Number: 3805 Registered: Mar-04 | Man-Law #25: BEING GheY IS NOT ALLOWED... EVER, NO EXCEPTIONS. All ghey "people" lose the title of man, and should never be referred to, in any context, as man. |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 620 Registered: Aug-06 | lol that is a good story im glad the kid got what he deserved. Are you this "Kid" that did the beating? LOL im just playing around i believe you. And Klez ive heard of g@y dogs, im not even joking. |
Silver Member Username: GrebnereonPost Number: 479 Registered: Mar-06 | but i bet some idiot person thought it would be funny and taught them or something. plus, i meant like real, non domestic animals, you know, the wild ones ;] |
Silver Member Username: J_baby15Kentucky Post Number: 779 Registered: Feb-06 | Naw i wasnt the kid, wish i coulda been tho. I came outta the room right at the end b/c we could all her the fa gs head hittin the door, haha. it was great. Then all the girls were talkin about how mean it was all day and sh!t. Man that pisses me off that girls always wanna take the fa gs side too. |
Gold Member Username: Extrmndor3Friday, Str8t to the Gentlemans club Post Number: 2556 Registered: Feb-06 | g@y people suxs |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 623 Registered: Aug-06 | haha girls love g@y guys cuz there feminine, its funny though cuz one of the biggest give aways that someone is G@y is when they only have girlfreinds. Like this one kid on facebook has like 100 pictures of himself and all girls not one guy in any picture. And hes not a pimp jus g@y...... In this debate thing the girls are gonna ask us two questions.. Anyone have any idea on what they can ask? |
Silver Member Username: J_baby15Kentucky Post Number: 782 Registered: Feb-06 | THey'll prolly some sum dumbsh!t bout how marriage is about love, and if two people love each other then they should get married, and its their choice. I would probably stand up and say "hey, ur both dykes, and that is all I have prepared for today." then sit back down. Not really man. Theres really no supporting reasons to be g@y, so idk how they can make sh!t up for g@y marriage to be legal. |
Silver Member Username: RiskybPost Number: 397 Registered: Feb-06 | "i agree with sean, i mean do you see gaay animals?? us and animals were created the same way, nomatter if you believe in evolution or the Bible.animals are natural and not messed up like us humans, they are 100% natural and they are NOT gaay." Actually animals of the same gender have secks all the time. Dogs. Lions. Animals have no secksual preference so that statement doesn't really hold up. Male animals show dominance that way. |
Silver Member Username: CavsmaximaNew York United States Post Number: 630 Registered: Aug-06 | Jordan lol thats something i would doo.... " How bout you both shut up cuz you are dykes and probally are going to have sex after class, which i dont mind if im watching" Besides that its wrong to get married... End of argument |