I've still got to do some ajusting but I managed to pull a 146.1 @ 42hz with my RE 35.1 installed. That is a 0.8dB gain over my other amp. I'm hoping to get a little more gain just out of some ajustments..
Heh.. I just realized this but because I forgot my paper with all my amp settings.. ie what was written on the amp before I painted it.
long story stort.. I hooked up the amp without knowing which knob did what and which speaker output was + or -.. I did well considering but my sub was hooked up backwards lol..
Sub is wired for a 1 ohm load.. had the + coil wire to the - on the amp and the - wired to the + .. think I'll see better numbers after realizing my mistake?!
so you think I'd gain 1.5dB hooking it up correctly? that would be my original .8 with a .7 correcting the wiring. Far as voltage drop.. I did not hook up the dmm to the batt and see.. I set the gain to 52 volts .. I know its more than I needed but I don't know my box rise so I figured I should set it a little higher.. Did not get any smell or anything .. worked great
I want to get an extra battery but for the price of another yellowtop I could almost get a h/o alt .. all these numbers are with a stock electrical .. an optima yellow top.. 90A alt.. and 1/0 wiring + big three..
if I can come up with the money next year I'll run two SX 15"s with two RE 35.1 and some external aero ports .. for a comp setup. I will do a 150 then given I can get my current to the amps.. I've still gotta build a new box tuned higher and seal off my trunk from the cabin... better numbers will come
Well final show is Nov 29th.. hoping for the best.. Trying to gain all the 1/10s I can before hand. I've got access to a TL about 20 minutes away so I might go out next weekend and test some things..
hey Marshall i was doing a lil testing in some sub woofer programs and it says i have to use around 4inch in length for each round port ( 4 ports total, each port its 3 inch diameter) and the tuning is 35hz on a 10 cb. ft box. is it true???? thanks man.
yeah i know Marshall im planning to get from you some 6 inch flared ports but right now i have 4 3 inch ports and i have a 10 cb ft box and 6 12's the tuning is 35 that i want and the ports are flared to like 4 inch and car stereos.com and realmofexcursion calculator and winisd say around 4.2 inch for length for each port
lilrob. hes saying you will have extreme port noise. dont follow through with that box. you need about 140sqin of port for a 10cuft box, and more would even be better.
yeah i know marshall that 6" port will be much better but i juzz got 6 12's i got the wood and i had some ports flared 3 inch and i got a new battery and wiring and im out of money but i need some temporary box well not temporary box temporary ports, i will use my ports now and ill save to get some 6 inch ports or maybe bigger i dont know if u can do it marshall, but im definitely gettin in the future at least 4 or 6 ports.
but right now im gonna use these temporary ports so u think i should make the ports longer???
well i was messing with winisd and with sealed on 10-11 cb ft i will be doing 126db's plus cabin gain qith2k rms, with ported at 35hz i will be doing 130's plus cabin gain with 2k rms i think im gonna have to have them sealed in the 10cb ft box and wait for the ports.
ok marshall give me a good price on 4 6 inch ports
well that amp was considerably underrated.. so i figured i'd set the gains for 2000.. then i figured with box rise i'd have to up the voltage a little bit.. but even with it being set to 52 volts with the h/u on 26.. the gain is considerable low