Looking for an SX motor, preferably with basket but can do with out, motor has to be in good shape, i.e. not droped (shifted top plate), dont care what the soft parts look like. Looking to pay about $80 shipped or so (seing as how $170-$200 is the asking price for a working one, I see that as fair)
I'm about to be putting 1800rms to mine daily.. only time I had a blown SX is when it was dropped and the motor shifted. We tried to blow two at a comp a month ago with a soundstream 6500.. subs would not toast. That was with 15 minutes of music as well as burps. I'm sure they exist.. I've seen a few MT motors here and there
Yeah just can't pay what people are asking for these things now a days, since I live in Vegas I can get a recone for $60 so makes buying a motor alot cheaper
No thanks, I have no need for an MT, just sold the XXX I had in there, my girl wants to try two SX's, I already have one, the other one I thought was an SX but turned out to be an SE. It was alright though cause it was an old motor so David built me a 10" SeXXX out of it for my boat.