i'm lookin to upgrade dd9512's to 9912's. The 99's don't come in dual 4ohm. If dual 1ohm were run to each other in series then to the amp, would that be 1ohm?
Since you will be running two amps with a sub on each one then you will want the dual 2 ohm subs so you can wire each sub down to 1 ohm. And i hope you have a hell of an electrical system.
I'm starting with 1 200 amp alternater and three batteries, 1800 kinetik up front and 2 x 2400 in the back. I plan on purchasing a 96 caprice to put this system in, haven't got it yet though. Till then it'll go in the bucket. When that happens, I'll put 2 x 200-250 amp alternaters in it.
So, im guessing the answer to my question is no it wont wire down to 1ohm. right?
one dual 1 ohm sub can be wired to .5 or 2 ohms so if your running one sub per amp and you want a load of 1 ohm on the amp then you need a dual 2 ohm sub.
yeah, I've heard from some reliable sources that the orion 5000d will run .5ohm daily. Although I did call orion and talked to a tech that said it's only stable at 1ohm. He said it would void my warranty if I did.