Surgury tomorrow


Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 504
Registered: May-06
lil bit uneasy about. Ankle Reconstruction. its gonna suck... tendon from the knee into the ankle as a ligament.. gaaayy... aight well i dont know why i told yall.. but have a good halloween . but that does mean more time on the forums.woo..

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 3969
Registered: Oct-05
hope it goes well man :-)

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 1136
Registered: Mar-06
Can you say Perks... Good luck.

Gold Member
Username: Tdeaton1021

Near Tampa, Florida USA

Post Number: 3141
Registered: Sep-04
dont be uneasy. surgerys have a few perks to them haha. when i was going in for heart surgery, that was somethign to be a lil uneasy about. but any other surgerys i had i didnt worry, nothing to worry about these days, just get a good doctor lol.


Gold Member
Username: Blainew

Diamonds in the back.

Post Number: 1722
Registered: Nov-05
hope everything goes well

Silver Member
Username: Sb2012

Iowa US

Post Number: 418
Registered: Jul-06
dont worry bout the trevor said...loast of good docs these days...the recovery will be tougher IMO...good luck man

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Try Google

Post Number: 8028
Registered: Aug-05
good luck man!:-)

i have had a few. nothing too major.


wisdom teeth taken out(all 4 recessed)

Gold Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 9719
Registered: Jul-05
good luck...

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Fi AudioBTL

Post Number: 6716
Registered: Oct-05
good luck man.

Silver Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 584
Registered: Sep-05
Yeah, good luck. My dad is having neck surgery soon. It sucks to see him in that amount of pain. I just hope things go the way they should.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Try Google

Post Number: 8049
Registered: Aug-05
good luck with your dad MArk^^^:-)

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 1841
Registered: Jan-06
I have had many surgeries to where I was gettin to liking them, love the drugs! They will tell you not to eat for like 12 hours and sh!t listen to them or you will sh!t yourself (Just heard about it). They will start off with fluids via iv, will feel cold going up your veins and feel cold from the inside, kinda cool. After about an hour or so of that they will wheel your @ss into the operating room, kinda scary looking but relax you'll be just fine. What I did was look for some fine @ss walking around there and make little flurty gestures, lol. The will take your BP and heart rate, the normal vitals. They then will attach all the electrodes to monitor those same vitals and you will hear a beeping sound from the machine. They then will give you an injection in your IV which they say may burn but trust me IT FEELS JUST RIGHT!! They then give you a mask with gas, breath really DEEP like you getting high and try to count backwards from 20, you will get to like 10 and next thing you will know is your waking up! The biggest pain I had was in recovery when the real pain kicks in. Your ankle will ache like a MOFO do not be afraid to ask for Vicodin or better. You are having tendon surgery which doesn't hurt nearly as much as bone sergury, trust me on this you will be just fcking fine! Repeat after me V I C O D I N .... :-O Polo..

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 505
Registered: May-06
yeah thanks guys. this is my third on my ankle THIS YEAR. its not until 3 oclock today. it sucks. i should be used to it by now. hope this is the last one... thanks for everything

Gold Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 1329
Registered: Mar-06
good luck, how'd you go through 3 ankels? i only have 2 :P

Gold Member
Username: Tdeaton1021

Near Tampa, Florida USA

Post Number: 3144
Registered: Sep-04
my grandmas hip surgery just started now.....

and hope you have generous doctors and assistants lol. once, i had them carry me form one bed to another, and gave me the anestesia before anything else. another time, i have a shattered collar bone and they made me move my self from my bed to the operating table, then injected me with all this crap that stung my whole body and then finally gave me anestisia. everyone reacts to it differently. i however just start laughing until i pass out lol. cool stuff.

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 508
Registered: May-06
three ankle sugerys on ONE ankle

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 466
Registered: Aug-06
ive never heard crapping urself if u eat or drink 12 hours before but if u do drink then they wont do the surgery, and i know if u drink alcohol itll think ur blood. I was at a keg the night before my hernia surgery just watching all the fun, it sucked so bad lol. (sucked worse then the surgery lol). Good luck on ur ankle surgery, and goodluck with ur dad mark.... POLO u really know you crap everything u said pretty much was what happened to me. Except i woke up after the surgery and went to stand out of the bed and fel on my head that was pretty much the worse pain. I didnt realize my legs were numb for some reason lol i couldnt stand up then fell

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 1858
Registered: Jan-06
Ya, one of the main reasons they tell you not to eat anything is so you don't deficate or urinate on yourself or anyone else , lol. Supposedly you lose bodily control once your under, may get the urge to sh!t on a nurse, lol. I was on vicodin and ibuprophen which is a natural blood thinner. When they started my hand surgery they coldn't get it to stop bleeding, not to mention I was washing the vicodin down with at least a 12'er the night before! The used an inflatable turniquet (sp) that bruised my are sooo bad that hurt more than the surgery. Polo.. :-)
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