Hifonics 1606D problems.........


Bronze Member
Username: Killemall

Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Post Number: 14
Registered: May-06
The amp turns on and all but when you hook up the subs all i get is a hiss and when i unhook the RCA cables the hiss dosent change at all.... is this amp a dud because i know that the subs work fine. Any help would be appreciated

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 7164
Registered: Dec-04
typical hifonic's junk!

Silver Member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 322
Registered: Feb-06
plug in an mp3 player or something to the rca jacks of the amp instead of the headunit and see if it plays...

If it does then your headunit is broken not the amp. You could mess with the settings and make sure its all plugged in check the ground etc etc.

If it doesn't your amp is the problem. Check your ground. Unhook everything and rehook it up. Mess with the amps settings.
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