so today i cranked my volume and one time the bass hit super hard the amp went into protect mode and turned my hu off and then back on it was fine?????? any ideas???
It could be thermal protection, the sucker got too hot. I have had that happen many times on hot summer days in Cincinnati when I had an RF amp (newer generation). Man those were some good times
Sounds like your amp sucked your battery down low enough to shut your HU off. You could stick a battery in the trunk. If your engine was running? than a higher current alt.
ya my hu didnt shut off by itself... shut it off and turned itback on.....andi know it not my charging system cuz its only 600rms and i have never once had any dimming or anything also im from MN and i doubt it was heat cuz it was about 30degrees when it happend and it wasnt running to couldbethe ground from the amp cuz when wedid the install we didnt have anything to sand off the paint so i just scraped the area with a screw driver but when i had my type-s this never happend...what do ya think??????