I put a system in today and the kid already had a sony cd player and he didnt want to buy another one so we used it. Anyway the amp is a JBL GTO 600.1 and the subs are kicker CVRs. The problem is at high volumes the sound cuts out, not just the subs but the speakers and everything. The gain on the amp is set at 1/4 or less so whats the problem here guys?
I would check out the deck, it sounds like you are reaching that point where it turns off due to heat.
Try taking out the remote wire on the sub amp so it doesnt turn on. Then turn on the stereo and turn it up to that point where it turns off and if you turns off then you know it is the deck, otherwise it is has something to do with the amp.
hey dude i have an explode cdx-f5710 h.u. to and it does the same da*n thing! it annoys the hell out of me.. everything turns off for a moment or 2 and then comes back on... so i gotta turn the volume down; what could it be?