up for sale is (2) phoenix gold 15"s....they are in perfect working condition...they are older but they have never been over powered or abuse, the model number on them is xs154 ...i will take a $100 for them.
i would still have them in a couple of weeks for sure unless some 1 else on here is intrested... idk but if ur intrested i was gonna build a custom box for them too adn then id sell the package deal for $150
well im having a custom box built for my car and its gunna have spots for 2 12" and 2 10" but i can change the 10" to 15" if i get them so i wouldnt need the box
well it hasnt been built yet... all i would have to do is change everything around and get a more powerful amp and it should be fine. or just wait on everything because im wanting to upgrade mine as i get the money to do so andi can just et those and put them aside til i get what i need to power them
i dont think that i would be able to sell that for 150 cuz im already going pretty low...so $175 for the 2 subs and the amp and then like steven said^^^plus shipping.