Hey all, just to double check to make sure I have this all wired correctly so I dont mess it up.
I have 2 single voice coil 4 ohm subwoofers. I am hooking it up so it goes into 2 ohm load.
Heres how I did it (correct me if im wrong.)
Obviously have the (+) going to the (+) on the amp, and the (-) going to the (-) on the amp. Also, I cannot try this out as my amp has not been delivered yet (few more days yay!!)
1. *2(+)wires on 1 port and 1(+) wire on another port. { *(one -)* *( one +)*} / {*(two -)* *(two +)*}
2. * 2(-)wires on 1 port and 1(-)wires on another port. { *(one -)* *( one +)*} / {*(two -)* *(two +)*}
wire the (+) from one sub to the (+) of the other.. same goes for the (-) .. then to the terminals on the amp.. if its being bridged it would be a little different but still (+0 - (+) & (-) - (-)
Something just seemed weird about one of the ports on the box having 2 + wires in it, and the other port for the other subwoofer only have 1 + on it. Same goes for the negatives.