Whats your opinion on the Cerwin Vega Stroker 15"? It's 4000 Watts Peak , 2000 Watts RMS.Its a dual 2 ohm sub.I was thinking about using Cerwin Vega EXL 1200 Watt RMS amp, or the Power Acoustik Silver Edition 2600 Watt Mono block class D. The silver edition's RMS @ 1 ohm is 2000 Watts.The CV is 1200 watt rms at 4 ohms and is 1 ohm stable, so its prob around 1800 or so for 1 ohm. i can get them both wholesale, so price isnt an issue, but i really cant decide if the CV amp is better than the Power acoustik.the Cv is 0.01% thd at 1 ohm, not sure about the power acoustik.
what about the CV amp? are all power aoustik bad?i seen a mofo, it looked like an good sub.it wasnt installed or anything, so i dont know how they perform.
whats the sound difference of the 12 compared to the 15?i imagine the 12 will be more punchy, and the 15 will drop more, but ive neevr heard the stroker before.
i was gonna get some v-max's but i figured hey what the hell, ill go bigger, lol. what about the pro strokers??those look extremely impressive, i mainly want a good sounding system for a trunk, im getting a new car, and i want a system that i can show my cusotmers and amaze them.i want more SQ than SPL, but still want it to get inside your ear.how u doin josh?u still at publix?i ahted that place, dustmoppin every night, scrubbin floors till 11 on sat.
i was gonna pair the CV 1200 D with it, or maybe just he 1000D...are the CV amps good?theyre pretty pricey even for me, but i imagine that is great quality.how big should i make the box? i was thinking around 3 CU ft sealed maybe al lil smaller.
now will this be a phenominal bass or just an everyday 15 inch sound? i want osmething so that when a customer hears this, they will come out of my car amazed.know what im sayin?kinda like that 300zx at audionutz, only not as much, lol that was a little too much...btw what happened to audionutz?
can u believ that i can get both the 15 inch and the amp for 430 plus tax?im tihnkin about maybe 2 of these 15's...what mono block amp could i use for that?i have a catalog of a brand caled palphasonic...expensive , but impressive lookin...but in car audio that means nothing...u know anytihng about them?