how do you deal with the volume requirements for a speaker mounted in the front door. I mean, upgrading to an Infinity Kapp Perfect or a Diamond Audio Hex is some serious committment to sound quality. If the drivers call for a 25-30 Litre sealed box for flat response how do you mount them in a door panel with expectations of getting your money's worth of sound? What is the solution to this? I want to upgrade my front soundstage but I know what the limitations of my door are, even with a custom enclosure or a custon kick I still cant get 25 Litres of sealed volume...Am I thinking wrong?
you seal the door panel sheet metal so the speaker is "sealed" in the door.. and no air is coupled on either side of the panel. that makes the door itself act as an enclosure to an extent. also dynamat the doors, and use a dynamat baffle for mounting the drivers. this absorbs any resonance in the metal. other than that, give the speakers good clean power from a good amplifier.