Archive through September 26, 2006

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Treo pricesReece Brassler10
OT guy has Cavs9
I want Infinity subs!!!ty mcleod1
ATF boxes..[Kéviñ_Previé]7
**Video** of my system[Kéviñ_Previé]20
What if....[Kéviñ_Previé]6
I have this box and wondering if i should port itjustin ogle5
Quick Question on subsadam9
Can ur type r, cvr, assasin, x's etc can do this???lilrob35
The 5.25 inch component wangers!!!!!Brandon2
2 JL 13W7 or 2 KICKER Solo-X S12X I need help???????Brandon7
I need a box!!!!! help!!! marshall white?! someone?![Kéviñ_Previé]16
Fi Q PICTURESGlassWolf87
Box sizeMuDDy20
Dead deckcol3
Re sx 18 or fi btl 18Robert48
Phoenix gold octane r15Paul Larrea18
Sealed Vs portedandy F7
2 4ohm dvc into a mono amp?ty mutlow5
15 Re Sx now on ebay *Sale*LifelessInaBox29
Lil Rob!J@Yme27
Experience w/ q-logic kick panelsMS7
Orion H2'sReece Brassler54
Treo SSI 15 for saleLifelessInaBox9
AudioQue HD3- good readShowrides7
What box for DD 2512 ..mat dope35
New SX (pictures)Qcsfinest9
NEW CAR NEW SUBS NEW box :'(Timothy12
1 more quick question! before it gets DARK!!blaine westropp10
OT- your local car audio storesmatt wong23
OT: randommat dope6
Kicker KX1200.1 (Wrong section, I know) For SaleMick12
This setup sound pretty good?Pike1104
Noticable difference??James Longo3
Truck Install StartedMO8
Treo ssx, or audioque hd3shawn7
Is 3 kenwood amps enough to push 4 jl 12w7?????Brandon5
Opinions on these subsMatt Rendas37
Aa vs fi qmat dope7
Audioque HD3 or Fi QReece Brassler26
JL 13W7 or KICKER S12X ???????MuDDy4
Yay Mike Loudon8
15in ssi or 15 re sxjustin ogle8
Amp compare?ty mcleod1
Diamond or EDjake papa8
Ot notre dame babyChauncey Brown20 footballChad Lee31
RE enclosure calculator. Check it Out!Andrew8
Arsenals dont seem loud enoughgrebnereon41
Diamond or EDblaine westropp1
Here's a good oneTremor11276
I need the actual codes for EDblaine westropp9
New RE...Chauncey Brown4
Would this be work?bass_monkey5
OT: Athens Tuning Show 2Pao Trifyllara1
OT. Car accident picsMark Highland24
2 12' x's, cvr's, or assassins???lilrob18
Bass 15 solo baricbassman35
Havoc or FI Q?mat dope28
Box Carpeting Questionbassman37
How are the TC sounds subs?Reece Brassler3
OT> song title...joe black24
Is this good?Reece Brassler4
So how do you say it?Scott Atwell12
What subwoofer to get?????? HELP?????Robert18
SUB for 2004 Impala SSLogan2
TYPE R FAKE?Robert11
OT: But hilariousJames Longo14
OT>Broken Saints on DVDMuDDy3
What a stealJames Longo5
OT-Anyone good with
What a stealChauncey Brown1
Pre amp on h.u question..bassman315
Do I need to upgrade some more?bernyMAC8
Help :-( :-)...Mick1
OT. SALES ThreadDavid Brunner67
OT: cd player problemDavid Brunner6
Overkill? nahh I say borderline|\/|aTT |F11
Ot notre dame babyryan ryan1
Best Amp for 2 CVR 10Joey DeSalvo2
Aa vs fi qMuDDy5
Woofer reviewMuDDy7
18" FiQ or 4 15" CVR sMuDDy46
Memphis and FI-Qclarence kelley6
Buying this weekend--CommentsJames Longo5
Is my vision bad?James Longo8
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