HELP!!! do i need a capitor, a new battery, or is something wrong with my alternator


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Username: Jswits47

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-06
i have a 375 watt dual sub powered by a 300 watt dual amp. i also have a dual deck. when i turn the stereo up passed 12 the display fades in and out with the bass and it has blown several fuses already. if someone could tell me what to do before i go out and spend money on a capacitor that would be awesome

Silver Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 380
Registered: Jul-06
You should be able to run that setup off of your stock alternator.Something seems wrong though.What do you have the gain on your amp set at,try turning it down?

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 2565
Registered: Dec-05
try turning the gain down and please get rid of that setup ASAP

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 327
Registered: Aug-06
your not pulling enough power to need a new alt, or capacitor. Caps arent really used to fix problems anyway. Probally something wrong with the installation.

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 328
Registered: Aug-06
And why all the dual?

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 3090
Registered: Feb-05
if fuses are blowing, you have something wired at too low a load, gains all out of wack, too small a fuse mabye (do not replace with larger one if you aren't sure thats the reason!!!), or too small a gague wire.

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Username: Cars2552


Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-06
Which fuse are you blowing amp power cable? fuse in amps? or head unit fuse? if you are blowing fuse when power is turned up you could be square waving the amp this could be problems in the way you have wired the subs could also be that you have a bad earth connection this would also square wave the amp dc dc circuits have you uprated your batery earth cable

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Username: Jwal21

Post Number: 5
Registered: Sep-06
capitor all the can spend $70 and save alot in the long run! thats how i think?

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7

Post Number: 239
Registered: May-06
he shoulnd need a cap. for only 300 watts. i had bout 800 watts on my stock alt. and no clipping. like brandon said. prolly to low of a load.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 4163
Registered: Aug-04
Nobody needs a cap, waste of money.

Check your grounds. Make sure you have the sub wired correctly - the right impedence for the amp.

Have your gains properly set to match your headunit's voltage.

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7

Post Number: 244
Registered: May-06
agreed with joe^^^^ cap=waste of money

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7

Post Number: 245
Registered: May-06
the only reason im gettin one for my 1200 watt amp is casuse i think they llook good w/ the digital only reason

Silver Member
Username: Renegadesrun

Lafayette, IN US

Post Number: 143
Registered: Oct-04
John. Please do not ever post again.

Bronze Member
Username: Thumping_corsica

Saginaw, miUnitd states

Post Number: 84
Registered: Aug-06
rofl hahaha
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