everytime im slappin at night my lights dim then go bac to normal after the bass hits. I hooked up a capacitator but it only helped the problem a little. What can i do to stop this? Does this mean I am doing damage to the alternator or anything?
No matter what, your going to need a HO alt with what I heard you wanting from the other threads and depending how much power you plan on running, you might need 1-3 batts depending what kinds of battery also. Odyssey or yellowtops or kinetiks.
use the iraggi one everyone told you about, try to get a 220 HO alt, you could probaly go less not sure, but you would want the most amps you can get at idle.
Go read/search under "accessories" section. You will find the seller's links as well as contact and email info. The cost will range from $150 - $350 depending on the size and make of car.