So I got a 85 Audi 4000 s, a XM1652Z, a CP4CKDS-06 and the XSL123P5B (I know its not the best set up, forgive me) Also, I got a better amp so thats why the kit is only 800... thats it. I'm using my iPod with a RCA to 1/8" (for testing till I get faceplate) I used the + from channel one and the - from channel 2 (like instructions said to)
Summary input iPod, speaker = ch 1 + & ch2 -, +12v battery, ground song screw in trunk. And I get nothing. I don't know what the hell I am doing. Do I need an alternator, does toes iPod work enough to tell speakers function and what the hell is the REM terminal? Yes, the fuses are fine. I am I just under-powering my amp or what... my amp doesn't show indication of being on.
the REM terminal would pretty much be your problem at the moment. REM is short for Remote. Commonly known as the remote turn on wire.
Since you dont have a headunit at the moment, so it seems, you'll have to tap into a wire.
You'll need a "switched accessory" wire. A wire that is only "hot" when the ignition is turned on.
When you get your aftermarket radio it'll be the blue/white wire you'll tap into on the new radio's harness.
If you need something for the time being, you could run a wire from the positive of the cigarette lighter plug to the amp, that should work to get you by.