My friend had is system installed at a locoal stereo shop b/c it was in a newer lincoln LS and he wanted to keep the stock HU. Anyway in the process of trying to do this the shop blew his amp(04 memphis mcd1000d). So they gave him a loaner amp until his was returned from memphis which was the same amp but an 06 model. Anyway today he got the call that his amp was was in and he got a brand new 06 model amp from memphis and the shop didnt say anything about the amp in his car, i think they forgot about it, lol. So he basically traded one 04 amp for 2 brand new 06 models. Great warranty from memphis though, 3 years and they stick to it.
its like playing on community chest card reads, Error in your favor one free memphis amp,, ive had somthing similar happen to me in the past but it was with a tv, they forgot they gave me a loaner on mine and i ended up with a replace for the broke one and the loaner
Well i think im going to trade him my 04 amp for one of the new ones b/c he owes me some money but he might want to sell mine once its his. But the local kids will pay crazy prices for stuff so you guys probably wouldnt be interested b/c he will probably ask like $250-300 for it. But i will let all you guys know anyway.