Whenever I turn the music up really loud on my infinity kappa components my right side woofer crackles at deep bass. these are top of the line speakers so they should be able to handle most of which I can throw at them. the left side one is superb. any ideas on how to fix this problem.
bad installation or maybe bad woofer. Also the Kappas are not their top, the Perfects are and that still doesn't make up for bad install or too a bad signal.
thoes are not top of the line speakers, not even for Infinity's line up.
are you sure its the woofers that are crackling?? usually tweeters will crackle, woofers will make a popping or knocking noise.
check your crossovers, make sure they are at 80-125 HPF at nothing less then 12dB/Octave. double check your gains, make sure you aren't clipping the speakers. make sure the drivers are securely mounted too. make sure you don't have any boosts or sound enhancements on like MX, BBE...ect...
if your woofers aren't screwed down tight than it can cause bass breakup, also if you are using some of the ABS spacer, if they aren't screwed down really tight it'll cause problems. Crossover slopes help keep the woofers from playing too low so try them. You can keep the BBE or loudness or whatever on just don't boost the bass up since BBE or loudness automatically does it.