My transmitter quit working with my alarm and the dealer who installed it went out of business. I've found other programming instructions here but nothing for the 2.5x 4 button transmitter. My alarm has a dual prox sensor and tilt sensor. The remote has a lock, an unlock, a trunk and a * button with the led display. Can anyone help??
Well, after more reading, I found the 2.5X install guide on the net but I have not been able to get the remote to work. I've disconnected the attena, disconnected the battery and removed the battery from my transmitter and nothing seeems to work. This all started when we could not get into the car with the remote and had to put the key in and use the valet switch to disarm the car. I'd really like to get this thing working. Would another Clifford retailer work on this? I cannot seem to find my owner's guide or the paperwork for the sale.