they make good budget amps, the arent the best, but they do the job fairly well. they only do 91%of what the company says they can, so their "2000 watt rms" amp really only does a little over 1800 watts rms.
I dont understand... How do companies lie about their amps powers and get away with it? Thats fked up if they say tehre amp does 2000 RMS then it damn well better lol. Hows kicker amps they lie at all?
hifonics is good for the money... i don't know why the state or some1 applies the law when it comes to bad advertising... there's always something that says: if the product doesn't has the specs the seller claims, a 10K bill/ticket/fine must be paid.
That thing applies to food/clothes and many other stuff EXCEPT to f-cking car audio!
car audio companies can get away with it because as long as they choose not to comply to cea-2006 standards (none HAVE to, but those that do usually make it pretty clear that their product is cea-2006 compliant), they don't have to stick to 14.4V and <1% THD when measuring their amps. if they choose to measure their amps at say 18v and 10% THD for example, then you can see where a company can say their amp can do 3000w, when normally it can only do like 800w rms. their amp technically did this "high power" but it was full of distortion and at a voltage that a normal car's electrical system is not capable of.
thankfully, more and more companies now are complying with cea-2006 standards, and some go above and beyond these standards. but there will always be those that choose not to, and sadly their able to advertise a higher wattage if they want.