alright you wiring geniuses, here is what we have. I just recently purchased an aftermarket tachometer, I will be hooking it up in my '98 CHEVY CAVALIER, now keep in mind I DID NOT PREVOUSLY HAVE ONE OF ANY KIND, that means I dont have one in my cluster, ok now that we are on the same page. I have 4 wires from my Tach, Red and Black of course the obvious. Now I also have a Yellow wire(which as described in directions belongs to my battery), and also have the infamous GREEN wire, now this is where my troubles begin. I can hook up my other 3 wires, but am not sure on how, or even where Im going to need to hook up my green wire??????? I mean it says an sucessful ignition wire, but Im not sure how to tap in or exactly where to do all this. Ok so Im not sure where my coil is at? so can someone please enlighten me on how I need to go about this proceedure???