Amp Keeps Blowing Fuses


Bronze Member
Username: Doug_w

Post Number: 89
Registered: Mar-05
I have a JBL 600.1 hooked up to 2 12" IDQ's they were running fine until recently something in my trunk punctured 1 of my subs then about 2 weeks later my amp blew the 2 30 amp fuses it takes. Now everytime I replace the fuses they blow as soon as I turn the car on again. What are some possible solutions to this problem?

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 3978
Registered: Apr-05
It's usually caused by shorted output devices or shorted power supply rectifiers 95% of the time. Beyond that, it could be a shorted filter cap, some sort of short across the power rails, some sort of short across the output, shorts acrosss the primary etc.

Solution? Get a multimeter, find bad parts, go to digikey, order them, replace them OR send it to and have them fix it for you(They're hands down the best in the business).
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