Well, I finished installing one AA Assassin 12 today, running underpowered off a jl 300/2 bridged. This setup is louder than the sealed mb quart fifteen i had in there running off a thousand watts! And not to mention with a ton more sq. Rock and funk sound a lot better now with the distinction in the kick drum and upper ranges of the bass guitar. I only have one problem; i'm craving another one, which is making it soo hard to save money for school! oh well, i just wanted to thank everyone who recommends AA products, and I personnally hope to step up to the arsenal next year.
Well, I lied before. The install is not finished. The Assassin sounds great in the prefab box I have it in, but I decided to build it a sealed enclosure closer to what AA specifies, rather than a ported one that's way off cuz of my trunk limitations. Plus, the prefab box is 5/8" versus 3/4" on the one i just finished building. I'll have details on how it sounds when i drop the woofer in tomorrow, and pics when i get my next paycheck so i can replace my camera charger(lost in transition between dorm and home).