its when you play a test tone, to see how many DB's your system is hitting, you do it by playing test tones, with a mic in the car, LOL, theres a bunch of different mics, TL, audiocontrol, etc.
lol i know its a test tone how do you play it though. do you just pause the tone and play it at a high volume for a couple seconts and then click pause again or what? lol im just tryin to get this straight so i dont sound like an idiot acting like i know waht im talking about haha
um well when i had my old system metered, the guy gave me a cd that had test tones on it, then i selected track 3, which was a 45hz tone played it for 5 seconds then hit stop, LOL that was about it.
Shane when you pause, it stops and doesnt play ANYTHING. Get a test tone cd or download some and burn them. Then just play them at high volumes. That = Burping.
some car audio shops do metering. they all charge a different amount based on what other shops there are around them.. maybe $15, maybe $30. it depends.