also when tuning a port...lets say to an 8 cubic foot box and 80 sq in of port, do i add the volume of the port to the 8 cubic feet? or do i put the port inside that 8 cubic feet? the 8 cubic feet is also internal air volume meaning after subwoofer displace ment...
**this is just an just confused on designing a port.**
like do i add the 8 cubic feet to the volume of the port or do i subtract the volume of the port from the 8 cubic feet and make the total of the port volume and internal air volume equal 8 cubic feet??
I had mine tuned to 35hz and it was awesome. If it is a 15, Wayne at Treo recommended a gross volume of 4.5cf and 50inches of port area. Four 4" aeros would do nicely... Polo.