I have a 15" Ascendant Audio Avalanche that I use right now but I also have 2 15" Atlas'. The problem I have is that the 2 Atlas' are blown lol. I really dont have a need for them but they serve no purpose if I don't get them fixed. I need some advise. Should I get them fixed for $100 each or is it not really worth it. What would you do if you were me?
Also I'm thinking about buying a DD9515E and selling my Avalanche. Is the DD alot louder than the Avalanche. I realize it has alot to do with the amp but lets say they both were powered with 1000watts. Which would be louder?
the DD really needs more power, it would be pretty close spl wise between the ava and 9500 with only 1000wrms. and i would get the atlas's reconed, they are very nice subs and you can't get them anymore, if you ever want to get rid of them let me know i might be interrested.