It has been working fine for about a year no problems
A week or so ago, I got into my car to go to work and after the sub was on for about 10 seconds it cut off. So I turned my head unit off and back on to try to get the amp to cut on again. It took about 10 seconds for the amp to cut back on - it usually takes about 2 or 3. But after that my sub was running fine all the way to work.
I kept having this problem for the next day or two, and then the sub went out and I turned my head unit off and back on but the amp never came on. It hasn't come on since. I checked the REM wire from the HU and to the amp. I know its the amp and not the sub because the amp light isn't coming on. I also checked the power cable to make sure it was connected well to the battery. I checked all the RCA wires and everything, they were all fine.
So.. does anybody know what my problem is from what I have told you?
did you check your inline fuse and your fuses in the back of the amp. also make sure you have a really good ground and all connections are secure even the one going to the back of the sub inside the box