Can your amplifier die like how your subwoofers can? I never had any of my amplifiers mess up but I am worried if an amplifier is powering a too big of subwoofer if it can die? and is it true that not enough watts can mess up a subwoofer in the same way too many watts can?
and why does rockford wayyy underate there amplifiers.. its dangerous. my 851s is one hell of an amazing amplifier but it is rated at 850wrms but easily does double that no joke.. I hit like 1500wrms with it and almost none of my subs have been safe from its fury.
an amp can "die" from many causes, but a sub can't kill it unless the load is too low for the amp to stay stable.
underpowering a sub cannot blow it. heat is what blows a sub. clipped signals create excessive heat, so if your under powering and sending a clipped signal, then yes, thats possible.
how do you know your 850 watt amp is doing 1500 watts??
I know its producing 1500 watts becuase on normal listening volume I blew two T1s! they are rating 600wrms and I am sure they can handle more but the 851s at 2 ohm running suposably 425wrms to each sub blew them meaning they are getting wayyy more power. I do use the wired emote punch bass knob though, and I do like to run it at its 18dB boost at 45HZ but it still shouldnt be blowing T1's
the gain is very important, and is not a volume knob. a lower signal will need more sensitifity for FULL power. higher signal needs less or decreased sensitivity
nice cleanup .....why didnt you sign on to chat??? anyways its late... i got to go to SLEEP. i did make $25 an hour though was SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. later man.
yes, I like to keep my gains low anyway, my dad who is an audio engineer specialist (but really never messes with car audio) thinks I may be getting a form of DC power shot into my subs from my amp. Who knows. I am upgrading to much better subwoofers soon anyway.