ok, i couple days ago i got my new audiobahn component set and i wired up the crossovers to a 2 channel 200 watt rockford fosgate amp with only the tweeters hooked up to the crossover as i am waiting for a speaker adapter to ship. is it bad for the crossover to do this? i played the tweeters and they sounded good, but would shut off after playing for a few minutes. any help? thanks
well if you have you tweeters hooked up to the tweeter outputs from the crossover, you're fine. As for your amp shutting off after a few minutes, thats kinda scary. Does it run really hot? It sounds like the impedence of the load is too low for the amp to handle.
the tweeters carry little to no impedence. You should be fine to wire the tweet on the passive and run it off the amp without the other driver. But the amp shutting off could be a few other things like protection modes either thermal or clipping it. You should take it to a shop or CC or BB to have it looked at.
or just look at it urself... make sure your gain on the amp isnt too high. and make sure u have a good ground, meaning it should be grounded to bare metal, not paint.