Lightning Audio


Bronze Member
Username: Dsmith07

Post Number: 84
Registered: Jun-06
I was thinking about getting these ...anybody ever heard them before..are they anygood?

Silver Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 757
Registered: Mar-06
walmart specials

Bronze Member
Username: Dsmith07

Post Number: 85
Registered: Jun-06
these are the ones im talking about lol i dont think they are the walmart specials

Silver Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 758
Registered: Mar-06
Sorry, must have confused em.

Silver Member
Username: J_baby15


Post Number: 406
Registered: Feb-06
The Lightning Audio strike series isnt too bad. idk if i would spend that much on a lightning audio sub when theres much better in that range.

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 434
Registered: Jun-05
^^^ exactly

Bronze Member
Username: Bassheadjosh

Utica, MI US

Post Number: 70
Registered: Feb-06
I actualy know a guy who works at a local shop and he had two of those in his standard cab s-10 in a cut through box, running off of two ample 1500.1 amps...insanely loud. sq was soso, but I could barely breath in his truck. I would say they are almost as loud as the immortals by audiobahn but with more sq.

Bronze Member
Username: Dsmith07

Post Number: 86
Registered: Jun-06
yea my cousin has 2 of them in a big azz vented box that is big as it could get to fit in his truck a old buick which has a big trunk and he isnt even powering them to there RMS and like you said i cant even breath i just wanted to see who would reccomend TREO over those

Bronze Member
Username: Bassheadjosh

Utica, MI US

Post Number: 76
Registered: Feb-06
Actually if you search that sub on ecoustics website they have a professional review of when it came out...I think they put it in a 1.75 cu ft box ported and hit 142.x in a test vehicle and that was off of 800 watts rms...think of the damage that sub could do in a bigger box with more power...

Bronze Member
Username: Bassheadjosh

Utica, MI US

Post Number: 77
Registered: Feb-06
I's a link to the article. It hit just over 143 dbs. you may have to copy and paste the link, but it's a pretty amazing review...

New member
Username: Jrod269

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
i learned a long time ago for the money you cant beat kicker.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 541
Registered: Mar-06
r'ent memphis and kicker bout the same price?
if so i just beat kickr for the price
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