so how do you match the amp to the sub correctly, someone told me its like the mono watts not stereo watts or something like that, then someone told me match the rms of the amp to the rms of the sub and im messed up so ya help
match the rms of the amp to the rms of the sub(s). Make sure you look at the ohm load you will be running them at. If you have a DVC 4ohm sub. You will need an amp that matches the rms of that sub at 2ohm.
just ask as you go, thats the easiest way to learn, find something, sk and we'll explain it, im good wit this wiring stuff so if you have any quick questions IM me its pintu luv on aim
1st of all match impedences 2nd u can match watt for watt , usually with most GOOD sub woofers u can safely overpoer by a ili bit like 550/600wrms on a 500wrms sub ....