Scent/Heat coming from 1 of my subs...


New member
Username: Hologram

Post Number: 10
Registered: Mar-06
In the past couple of days Ive noticed a scent (well the scent that the subwoofer has always had, except now my whole car always smells like it) and when I get in my car its always hot in the back where the subs are. It still seems to play fine, the scent/heat is just getting to me so I disconnected my amp for the time being. What is the problem here? Did I blow one of the voice coils?

Silver Member
Username: Camaro823

British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 430
Registered: Jun-05
are they new ?? cause it could just be the scent of them being broken in.

Silver Member
Username: Freezeman_7

Post Number: 117
Registered: May-06 maybe this will help you out... it sure did me

Bronze Member
Username: Hologram

Post Number: 11
Registered: Mar-06
They are not new. I also know that the smell is coming from the subwoofer because my subs are inverted and when I get close to the hole in the back I can smell it coming out from there, and the smell does not come out of the other sub.
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