what are the pros and cons of having a slot port box and a tube port box? And can anybody help me find a way to design my own box with tuned to the lowest frequency.
well, the lowest frequency isnt what you want, but, tube ports are really only better because they take up less room, ive never really noticed a differance
the slot ported are pretty much the same as the round ported, but round ported because they have a flared end they tent to have less port distortion than slot ported
yeah u have to worry about it, plus the port velocity is one of the most important, if u get 25% and lower is good for sq 5% and lower is ideal for spl competitions.
the port velocity gets lower everytime u make your box bigger, the bigger the box and port the less port velocity,
if your going around 35hzto 32hz the port distortion is important, u want no port distortion ull need to put some bondo and make the beginin fo the port smoth for the turbulence,