Bass boost config... Qucik question plz.


Silver Member
Username: Quig

Pittsburgh, Pa Us

Post Number: 215
Registered: Sep-05
k i have audibahn a8002t amp... to get a good sounding bass i have to turn the gain more then 3/4 of the way up and the amp gets hott quick and shuts down... i know ppl on here say bass boost and loudness configs are no good, but wat do they harm im askin, i can turn the gain under half with bass boost and it is way louder then no bass boost and gain up high.... so what im askin is if i use bass boost and loudness what am i harming, thanks.

Gold Member
Username: Jakeyplaysbass

St. Louis, MO

Post Number: 1184
Registered: Jul-05
all the bass boost adds is distoriton, which leads to clipping. you dont have to have it on 0 but i wouldnt turn it more than 1/4 the way up.

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 2048
Registered: Nov-04
ok well the amp shouldnt get that hot that quick. i have the same amp and i run it at a lower gain setting with my bass up about 3/4.

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 2049
Registered: Nov-04
but turning your gain all the way up also adds just as much distortion.

Silver Member
Username: Quig

Pittsburgh, Pa Us

Post Number: 217
Registered: Sep-05
theres bareley any distortion...i have a pioneer deck and the max is 30... i can turn it to 21 no distortion, 22 a lil and 23 is bad.... papa, the amp is a bass boost switch, its not a manual dial like gain setting its just a switch.... but i get more distortion with higher gain and no boost.

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 6033
Registered: Dec-04
your better off running bass boost and your amp gain set correctly then your amp gain too high and no bass boost.

Silver Member
Username: Lilnomad

Marathon, Florida U.S.A.

Post Number: 101
Registered: Jun-06
so turning your bass boost nob all the way up is bad,i have a profile ap100m w/ a bass remote control

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 6038
Registered: Dec-04
yes it will cause clipping by the amp being overdriven.

Silver Member
Username: Quig

Pittsburgh, Pa Us

Post Number: 221
Registered: Sep-05
james, i should be fine with my gain set udner half and bassboost switch on(no manual config)

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 4222
Registered: Oct-05
if it sounds bad with the volume at 23/30 then your gain is set too high. it should sound clean almost at full volume. use a ac voltage meter and set the gain right on your amp.

also if your speakers are overpowering the sub then turn the volume down on the speakers.

remember gain is not a volume knob. just because you set it high dosent mean its gonna get louder.

Silver Member
Username: Quig

Pittsburgh, Pa Us

Post Number: 224
Registered: Sep-05
well the only reason it starts to distort... i dont think its the subs distorting its the 4x6s and 6x9s that start distorting

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 4231
Registered: Oct-05
you have the gain set incorrectly on the amp that powers those speakers then. either that or your speakers are really weak. like i said before, its always good to set the gain the right way.

Silver Member
Username: Dannyboyy

Peterborough, NH USA

Post Number: 276
Registered: Jun-06
hey chad lee my tweeters start to distort at 40/50 and they are running off the radio. is that bad?

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 4234
Registered: Oct-05
it shouldn't distort. what kinda tweeter? they must be really weak to be distorting.

Silver Member
Username: Quig

Pittsburgh, Pa Us

Post Number: 229
Registered: Sep-05
the rest of my speaker are runnign off the stock wires... not an amp... thats why they distort... under powered

Silver Member
Username: Stnorris

Eldridge, IA US

Post Number: 506
Registered: Apr-06
why dont u just set ur gain to your HU, and then go from there. then u can set ur bass boost, and the bass on ur HU.
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