ok i have a 15 solo baric L7 and i use to power this sub with an power acooustik 1600 amp the sub is a dual 2 ohm and i got a memphis amp yesterday which is the 1100 memphis amp and i hooked it up to my sub and the power acoustik is somehow louder than the memphis amp is i dunno what the problem is with it at 2 ohms that power acoustik says it puts out 700 rms or something like that and with the memphis amp it sounds like im gettin like 400 rms watts goin into that sub the amp sounds good on the sub but not loud at all can someone tell me what could be the problem thanks
you have it wired correctly? cause that memphis amp should be putting out 1100 @ 1ohm and should be alot better than that pa crap. also, did you buy used, if so i'd take it to get benched and check out.
little off topic, but aint this like the second or third thread in like a day for the same problem? and if i remember right, didn't you post like a month or so ago you had gotten a kicker amp for that sub?