Does Anyone Know What's Wrong With My Amplifier?


Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jun-06
This thread is a newer thread to my amplifier problem. To view what's already been said, click on the link...

This morning when I went out to fix my friends brakes, I noticed that my amplifier was ON and WORKING! After letting it play for about 5 min, I turned the volume up alittle and still played ok, so I turned it up alittle (and when I say alittle I mean by like, 1 or 2) and it turned right off on me again. Like before, I checked all the wires and fuses and they were all still ok and also, there was no red light on when my amplifier turned off. Like before it wasn't hot either, it was still pretty cold.

Does anyone know what could be wrong with my amplifier?

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 5575
Registered: Nov-04
Next time you start your car, unhook all cables except the power and rem. See if the amp stays on for a long period of time.
If it does, then your gain/level is not set correctly, or you could have a low ohm resistance on the speaker terminals.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 412
Registered: Mar-06
yup, if it ever worked before with the same setup then im willing to bet you meltedt part of your voice coil... audiobahns?

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 38
Registered: Jun-06
no, it's a Pioneer TS-W301R. The amplifier (MTX Audio Thunder 4122) I got off ebay a long while ago refubrished from MTX. Do you guys think that maybe it wasn't fixed correctly?

Silver Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 789
Registered: Dec-05
jajaja troy nice joke "it must be audioburn"

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 420
Registered: Mar-06
no but i was serious, it could very well be one of the voice coils burnt and the other one plays until the cone starts twisting whats your voice coil config, does it go to about 2/3 volume then shut off, cuz an amp will run at too low an imepdence and wont shut off untill it trys to pust out too much power, did you ever get a smell coming from you subs?

also, has it ever worked before?

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 39
Registered: Jun-06
"yup, if it ever worked before with the same setup then im willing to bet you meltedt part of your voice coil... audiobahns?"

Are you talking about the subwoofer or the amplifier? And if it's the subwoofer, then how can it turn off my amplifier?

The subwoofer is brand new and I don't push anything to hard. For my volume controls, my head unit goes up to somewhere around 50-60 and I always keep my volume at 25. Also on my head unit, I have my Lows set at +3 (out of +6). My gain on my amplifier is set at around 1/3.

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 40
Registered: Jun-06
No...there has never been any sort of burning smell or any type of smell comming from the subwoofer.

Yes!...My system worked for about a week before this started happening. The gain, volume, and everything else has always been the same, I haven't changed anything since ive had everything hooked up.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 424
Registered: Mar-06
well if you melted part of your voice coils that would drastically lower your impedance hence turning off your amp, im just throwing ideas, sorry if im offending you, it could be that the amp is blown

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jun-06
Well I was planning on getting an amplifier to replace it anyways and use this one on my 6x9's but, it seems like I won't be able to...

No, im not offended and thanks for throwing some ideas out here at me. Better having some ideas than being confused on what's going on...

How would I check to see if the voice coils are melted? What would be some signs or things to look for? (Ya, sounds stupid but, ive never seen what a melted voice coil looks like...)

If the amplifier was blown, then why would it turn back on? If it's dead it should stay dead!

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 425
Registered: Mar-06
to tell you the truth ive seen melted voice coils and i dont know what they look like, the only thing i noticed was the soldier from the wire was all over the inside of the cone

Silver Member
Username: Johnfiac


Post Number: 202
Registered: Mar-06
Hahaha troy i like that one, "It must be audiobahn" my voice coil was on fire, the carboard under it was burned up as soon as i turned it on...i bought it on ebay, he said it was never used and it looked factory sealed still.... i never got it fixed or money back for it :-( big waste...
To check if the coils are melted you need to remove the cover...
YOur would see some copper wires wounded around a ring ussualy from 2-4inchs round... look very closesy around them for wires that are burned(somtimes looks like they are cut when they come apart after melting) also check your power connections on the inside of the amp....from your terminals to the motherboard oft he amp.

Silver Member
Username: Johnfiac


Post Number: 203
Registered: Mar-06
It sorta sounds like it is a loose power connection on the inside of the amp if everything else is fine.... maybe your hit a bump or give it to much bass and it moves...
I had a jensen that the soldier on the positive terminal was broke and it wigled on and off all the time. that might be it right there.

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 50
Registered: Jun-06
Hm...i'll have to check that out, the amp was refurbrished so maybe that's what was wrong with it in the first place? Well, now that im out of school I have plenty of time to operate on this amp. Tomarrow i'll have to open her up and see what's going on inside there!

Sorry if this was answered above, but how would the voice coils melt? Because like, their RMS is only 150 and im giving it 200. Is 50 more watts too much for this woofer?

If the problem is the woofer, im glad I have a 1 year warranty from sonicelectronix!


Silver Member
Username: Johnfiac


Post Number: 205
Registered: Mar-06
depending on brands and all you can over power some woofers, but the woofer would have anything to do with the amp not turning on, if it was the woofer it might put the amp into protection or somthing but i dont think it should ever turn it off.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 428
Registered: Mar-06
well my audiobahns were sposed to take 1100rms but i melted them with 575

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 52
Registered: Jun-06
Ok, well I didn't want to unscrew everything to take a look at my Pioneer so I switched it with a 10" MA to see if it would work. But, since it didn't, then that means that my Pioneer is still ok and theres something wrong with my amplifier. Im about to take it apart right now to see if something wrong.

This is the first time I opened up an amplifier, are there any main things I should be looking for?

Silver Member
Username: _jay_

Post Number: 159
Registered: Mar-06
...did you check to make sure you had good ground?

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 54
Registered: Jun-06
I opened my amp up, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Nothing is melted or loose. There are a couple things in here that I don't know about though. Like, there are a couple marks in here and by marks I mean like someone took a perm marker and colored a couple places. Also, there was a green piece of tape on some grey square thing (don't know what it is but, it's labeled 105J63)

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 55
Registered: Jun-06
Yes, the amplifier was working for 3 days with out any problems before this started happening.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 432
Registered: Mar-06
im sorry but i know about as much as i know about aliens about insides of amps, sorry, good call on checking your voice coils though, good idea, also like it was said before, do you have a good ground?, if theres paint on the metal, sand it off and try it then

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 57
Registered: Jun-06
Well, if the ground was bad from when I first installed it, why would it work for a couple days then just...not work anymore? I don't know, but, sometime im gonna barrow a voltmeter from a friend and see if maybe something isn't getting power anymore.

Originaly, I hooked up my negative to the latch on my trunk, well, not trunk, but like, back door I guess (SUV...). Also today place the negative in different places around my SUV to see if it was that, but, I got nothing from like 5 different places. CURSE MY AMP!

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 434
Registered: Mar-06
we'll get to the bottom of this, when it turns off how long does it stay off for?
did your lights dim alot when it did work? cuz it could be starving for power..
is it going into protection or just turning off? that could be an ohm issue..
def need to check your ohms asap
if anything smash the amp with a hammer then try it haha jk dont do that

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 59
Registered: Jun-06
lol, maybe I will if I have to replace it...

When my amp turns off, it will stay off until the next day...strange isn't it?

No, my head lights do not dim when it was working.

The amplifier is not going into protection, it just...turns off...

How would I check my Ohms???

I contacted a member of MTX and they don't even know what's wrong with it. They said if I figure it out "Please let us know what it was" (that was their quote...)

Silver Member
Username: Johnfiac


Post Number: 226
Registered: Mar-06
a multimeter ..... what subs do u have\model?

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 436
Registered: Mar-06
how much trouble would it be to rewire your remote? it might have a bad connection, but as you can tell im running out of ideas sorry, if i think of anything else ill definately get back to you

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 62
Registered: Jun-06
Today when I went to get take my final (last test before I graduate:-)) It started working again and when I left to go home it was still working. I turned the volume up a bit to see if it would turn off and it didnt! So im not really sure what's going on with my amplifier but, I will probably be replacing with a Audiobahn A2002T so im not gonna keep screwing around with this amplifier to know why it's doing what it's doing. Probably end up putting it on ebay for $1 and see how high the price will go for it.

Thanks to everyone that gave me ideas, suggestions and answered my questions! Unlike MTX.........

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 437
Registered: Mar-06
uhhh, im sorry i helped you, a non working amp is better than audiobahn, if i were you i would make bass with your mouth instead of buying an audiobahn, audiobahn is like donating to charity

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 71
Registered: Jun-06
Well then, what amp would you preffer to get that will power 2 Pioneer TS-W301R's nicely?

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 438
Registered: Mar-06
whats your budget?

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 439
Registered: Mar-06
that, and what r your voice coils?

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 76
Registered: Jun-06
Single voice coil, 4 Ohms on each sub, im willing to spend around $200 on an amp for my subs

Bronze Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 77
Registered: Jun-06
Here is a thred I made with some different amps that would work with what I have. Any of them ok?

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 442
Registered: Mar-06
i would pick a kicker mono block that is 300- 400 watts at 4 ohms, but if you want to spend some money on an awsome amp, get a JL that is 300-400 at 1-4 ohms, that would be the best
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