During the hot days of summer when my SUV is just sitting in the driveway,my subwoofers are exposed to sunlight and heat. I keep the windows down as often as I can to create some ventilation in my SUV so it wont get so hot in there.
How hot could a subwoofer get before it starts to have problems or take damage? Is there any way to prevent them from getting to hot, like put a big towel over them or something?
It depends on the material that they are made of, mainly the caps and foam surrounds. The inner workings of the subs I assume are in a box, and you don't really need to worry about the inside. I had my 2 12"s in the back of my black tahoe for an entire summer and didn't have to worry about the subs (only the amp). If you have sh*t poly-faced plasticy subs they might be able to warp but generally paper-type material won't get screwed up on you. I would worry more about your amp than your subs if they are of decent quality material, especially if you plan on hopping in your 120deg.+ car and then blasting your system down the block.
Ya, my amplifier does get pretty hot at times and when that happens ill open up the windows and speed down the street at about 70 mph to get a lot of air back there to cool it off and then start playing music. Works nicely.
What would be a way to keep your amplifier cooler? Would tinting my windows darker help keep out some of the heat?
Last year my amps got sooo hot while sitting in my work parking lot (black GP) that they went into thermal protection the second I turned them on! Thought I fcked something up and also found out the stock Bose amp has one too, lol. Polo.