i have a off brand junk 12" flip down monitor....installed it in my car...was working fine...i even tested it b4 i put it in it worked
now i looked at the screen cuz it started to have a lot of little pixels turin green red n blue.///then it got white round the edges then just turned solid whit then cleared up.......
now it aint powrin on at all....i had the batt charger hooked up cuz i had the system on n my xbox would power up do to low volt....so i un hooked than an ran of the wall soket.....
wut coulda happend.....n can i just ge a new cheap lcd an put in....
i dont want a 1200$ screen i already have a 80$ legacy as my main screen no1 knows they think i spent a lot of money
ummm realy i looked n it looks like blew the fuse......YEAH WAHHOO......thank god for fuses i had the bat charger on it.....n it seem like it just blew