My Ti has a big tear in the surround! It is like 2 and 1/2 inches long. This is so fucking gay! I suppose it will cost me like 100 bucks to get a new surround put on it too. Go figure...
wouldnt like a small piece of scotch tape fix it..cause the surround if u think about it isnt part of the moving mass so it wouldnt change any part of the t/s paremeters. also scotch tape is clear so ppl wont notice it
A good non-corrosive silicone sealant may work, but I would e-mail the manufacturer to see what they use to repair that kind of damage. That way you dont have to ship the big a** sub out and pay for a repair job you could have done yourself for maybe $10 spent at a hardware store.
I guess the tape wouldn't hurt to try. I got a hold of the seller and he said there was no rip when he sent it. Also the box it is in leaks air, he claims it didn't do that either when he was using it. When the package arrived from UPS it was in kind of rough condition. We are both thinking now that UPS may have damaged the package in some way. I filed a claim online with UPS and hopefully they will give me the $300 it was insured for. Unfortuantely, I don't have the bubble wrap the sub and box were orginally wrapped in so they probably won't take my word for it. I'll have to see, I hate UPS though. This is like the 3rd package I have recieved damged from them. Plus I have sent stuff out with them a couple time that the buyer complained about the box being crunched. They suck, Fedex is the way to go.