I dont know wut tha fu*k is goin on, just took out my box and tuned it differently then when i was gonna go hear how it sounds when i turned my deck on the subs were boucin out of control and hittin fu*kin hard and i had the volume all the way down. When i unplug 1 RCA one sub playz and sounds good the same with the other one if i plug the other RCA, but if i try connecting both it goes out of control. Could it be my RCA's???? Or could it be that now when i was puttin my wirez back on my amp my speaker wire touched the power wire while the other one was connected to the amp. PLEZ HELP GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know, i really dont think so, cuz earlier everything was workin fine, and i didnt fu*k with the rcas or anything. Is it possible that i fu*ked up one of my subs when i hit my power cable while the other wire from my sub was already connected to the amp guyz?? PLez help.............
Ususally whenever you do work on your stereo you disconnect it form the battery terminal as the power wire causes fire and sparks that wrecks equipment.
Or could it be that i was too tired and didnt wire my subs right by accident???? Right now i have each dual 4 0hm subs in parrellel to each channel on my amp. But i really dont think its that either because like i said, say if i unpluged one Rca from the amp then one sub would go out but the other would sound fine, same with the other Rca if i just had it pluged and disconnected the other one, but when i connect both then "hit" hard and out of control, or they just stay makin this loud noise, u know if ure like in a loud stadium and when the mic fu*ks up and u hear that noise. PLEZ HELP GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need ur help so bad....
Thanx mike, i noticed like i said when that sub wire touched the power on my amp while the other was already connected to the amp, when it touched the speaker hit hard and pushed but when i untouched it nothin happened. Do u know wut wrong with it??