How many dbs to set off car alarms


Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 52
Registered: Jun-06
how many dbs do you think it would take to set off some car alarms???? hehehe

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3293
Registered: Sep-05
hehe, not much... Upload
now try to set off 100+ car alarms at the SAME time, like my boi did!!

Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 53
Registered: Jun-06
i dont get it???? he went on car alarm setting-off spree??? and set-off 100 in a period of a day???

because 100 at he same time is a joke

or is 100+ a brand wtf fill me in

Silver Member
Username: Sw9152


Post Number: 786
Registered: Feb-06
i have set off a couple car alarms before, it makes you pretty

Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 54
Registered: Jun-06
thats what in wanna lol

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3297
Registered: Sep-05
visit your local mall... it will have way over 100 cars nicely parked to each other.. then turn up your 150db system...

it will setoff 100+ car alarms, depending on tuneing of your box.. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Swisher

Marianna, FL

Post Number: 180
Registered: Apr-06
or a parking gararge u prolly can do multiple floors

Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 55
Registered: Jun-06
100 i think might be a little bit of exagguration

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3308
Registered: Sep-05
do u know what 150db on a Term Lab sounds like??? I dont think you have any clue...

no its not a bit of exaggeration, when people are stampeeding outside of the mall to get to their car under the parkin deck!! then security with flashing green lights in a suv arrive!


Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 56
Registered: Jun-06
i do know what 145 sounds like I have a 13w7

sounds lke you got urself in a bitta trouble lol

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3310
Registered: Sep-05
actuall we drove off, we was playing young jeezy..
but the driver was never worried.. lol

security did grill us hard! real hard!
but yeah, 4 15s and 12 aero ports will do that! with alot of rms behind it! :-O

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksburg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 952
Registered: Aug-05
LOL b......hope i can do that wit those TREO's HE He

but i set off an alarm by just starting my car up......n then cut my system on n it set it off again.....that was with 500rms.....cant imagine whut it will do wit 1000rms......not to mention the new Treo tsx's wit 2000rms ROFL

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3313
Registered: Sep-05
actually Killer, they were 4 TSXs...

Bronze Member
Username: Econoline1

Vancity, Bc Canada eh

Post Number: 59
Registered: Jun-06
lol guess what im doing this week

Bronze Member
Username: Bassgalore

Post Number: 73
Registered: Nov-04
My old system of 4 CVR 12's and 2 jbl 1200.1's would do that. Not the whole mass casualty thing like B but you know. Now idont have it anymore due to buying a new truck. But the only thing is that now i can set a few off with my exhaust.

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksburg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 956
Registered: Aug-05
whut kinda car do u have paul

Silver Member
Username: Mygame5982


Post Number: 231
Registered: Jan-06
i set off alarms..but not from that far away!!

Silver Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 773
Registered: Dec-05
well i can make all the disorder i want, nobody cares about that in this country, there are no complaints about noise jejeje! i can do whatever i want.

Silver Member
Username: J_baby15


Post Number: 386
Registered: Feb-06
Wouldnt setting off alarms have alot to do with the frequency too? It seems to me like Lower notes rattle and vibrate things alot more.

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3328
Registered: Sep-05
yes Jordan.. its depends on the box and tuneing like I stated above.. You will notice more things going off, the lower the tuneing.

I also notice car alarms HATE aero ports...

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 359
Registered: Mar-06
that is quite fun, i do it all the time

Silver Member
Username: Djbeanpole

Naptown, Indiana USA

Post Number: 212
Registered: Nov-05
I set them off at work's parking garage... its usually only on BMWs and Mercedes whose alarms are probably a bit more sensitive but it is fun to do.

Silver Member
Username: Scott_debaker

Pittsburgh, P.A. U.S.A.

Post Number: 557
Registered: Feb-06
low tuned boxes will do it go0d my bro set off 3 in a row on a road with 1 12 jl w3 in a 5cube box tuned @ 25hz an looks liek f@g bernys bac get a life dude

Gold Member
Username: Thomas_g


Post Number: 1300
Registered: Oct-05
Aero portz????

Bronze Member
Username: Bassgalore

Post Number: 75
Registered: Nov-04
I had a blazer with the cvr's now I have an 03 Quad cab Ram and im trying to make a new one

Silver Member
Username: J_baby15


Post Number: 390
Registered: Feb-06
y do aero ports set them off any different than slots??

Silver Member
Username: Nnnnick_b

Weddington, Nc Usa

Post Number: 902
Registered: Jan-05
I just got back from my local car audio shop. The store manager asked to hear my system b/c I am in his shop like twice a week and buy 150 amp ANL fuses. So I gave him a listen. He said I would prob hit between 150-155 on a TL. He said he was in a Tahoe that did 156 with a couple 18"s and I wasn't too far behind. Yo B, were you talkin about carolina place mall. I love bumpin there and setting off tons of alarms. Car alarms don't like 250 sq inches of port.

Silver Member
Username: John_wash

Nashville, Tennessee

Post Number: 319
Registered: Dec-05
What kinda system u got Nick?

Silver Member
Username: Nnnnick_b

Weddington, Nc Usa

Post Number: 906
Registered: Jan-05
look in my profile. ^^^^^^^^^^

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 861
Registered: Aug-04
i can set off alarms with my exhaust. super 40 series flowmaster with turn downs on a chevy 350 v8.
and i set off an alarm about 50-60 feet away with my XXX 18.

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

Near tampa, Florida United state...

Post Number: 1051
Registered: Apr-06
hey johnny did u ever get ur sshop set up????

Gold Member
Username: Tjmutlow

Post Number: 2379
Registered: Sep-05
the bottom line it depends how sensative the alarms are set to, i can set my alarm so nothing sets it off or i can set it so the wind blowing will set it off, or even waling past it. so it is all relative...

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3365
Registered: Sep-05
Ty Mutlow, my car alarm sensitivity is ALL the way OFF, slash NEG...

Guess what, it still SETS IT OFF! When he gets too close.. :-)

But I agree senstivity setings will vary on how quick it does go off..

NicK we were at Eastland Mall parking deck... :-)

Silver Member
Username: Nnnnick_b

Weddington, Nc Usa

Post Number: 907
Registered: Jan-05
Ya I know where that is. Parking deck are fun. All the concrete kinda amplifies the bump.

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 862
Registered: Aug-04
drivingreckless, i didnt become a dealer yet, i gotta go through local and state gov. to get all the lisences and get a company started first. plans kinda changed since i first tried to start this and it was supposed to go alot faster. but i do have a building, now i gotta get stuff straight with the state.

Silver Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 415
Registered: Mar-06
screw car alarms, how many dbs to make a grown man jump a foot off the ground hahaha
i was drivin down a slow street at like 10 mph, comin up on a guy with young joc playin goin down, i was on the part where theres no bass and right as i passed him it bassed and he jumped away from my car it was hilarious

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 1243
Registered: Jan-06
You may be better off with an on line store, a lot less overhead and BS. Polo.. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 864
Registered: Aug-04
how would i go about getting an online store polo? sounds interesting, i might give it a try. do u have any other info on it? thanks

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 1244
Registered: Jan-06
I am not too knowledgeable about it but you can use a domain like E-bay or something, they do offer services like e-stores and stuff. Now adays people are lazy, who really wants to go into a local shop to be screwed, I can get that at home, lol. With out having a huge overhead like a shop you can offer a much greater savings and that alone would attract bussiness, especially by "word of mouth". Maybe other here can chime in on this subject...Polo. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Scott_debaker

Pittsburgh, P.A. U.S.A.

Post Number: 573
Registered: Feb-06
that would b way better havin a ebay store more business since its ebay

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 865
Registered: Aug-04
well see the thing is that im not exactly doin this to make bookoo money. really i wanted to do it as a deed to all yall and my friends. the shop im in is owned by my cousin, so he isnt makin me pay alot for the lease, only 200 a month maybe. i mkae enuff to support that without selling subs. but deff all the profit (even though small) will go to pay for the shop and more subwoofers. i dont really want to blow up and get crazy businees that i cant handle. i dont have to pay any employees, just gonna get an account set aside for the company and just put wutever we make into it. this is why i had the idea to sell the subs as cheap as i could. thanks polo. ill check ebay to see about an online store though, it might make ordering alot easier.
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