I got a Power Acoustik 2400d thats been siting in my bros closet for about a year now and I need to sell it. It powers up and plays but once i turn the volume up past 20 the amp goes to protect everytime it hits hard, then returns to normal power. I don't know if this is the amp or just me not adjusting/hooking it up right. If anyones interested throw me some offers i need to get ride of it. Everything still seems to work fine and sub hits just not at high volumes.
same eletircal unit powering my 2500d orion. All gains right now are set to the middle and im not good at adjusting them so im not gonna try. All fuses were replaced and it still works but only seems to put out maybe 1000watts im guessing. Anyone atleast interested? Could be a real easy fix if not use it as a parts amp.