Yes it worked!!! lol, remember i wouldnt post pics of my install cuz i couldnt resize my pics?? Well i found i could use Adobe photoshop, so, yeah!!!!!!
I posted 1 on realmofex.... F*ck tripple A batterys, they go so quick on this digital cam, so i wont be able to take pics of my subs and amp till i get more batteryz prob tomarrow.......
you should get rechargeable batteries, thats what i have i use 2 in my cd player and have the other 2 charge, then when one set go dead i have another set ready to go.
Found an old pic of my cvrs and amp, so peep it out. These were them in da old enclosures, i filled in the mid part cuz it looked ugly cuz they were separate, but now have a new enclosure and will post pics of it later like tomarrow maybe.......
Ja Ja kinda messy install but dat was more less tha time i had just installed it so i just threw the amp and subs in and didnt care how it looked.. But now it looks better.