A site please or advice


Gold Member
Username: Alias747


Post Number: 1066
Registered: Apr-05
I just got my new (used) car. It's a 1991 Honda Accord. Anyway I want to put my CD player in but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the faceplate off and get the original stereo out. I feel kinda dumb :-(

Anyway, if anyone KNOWS how to do it or can direct me to a site that could help me that woul dbe great!

Silver Member
Username: Lexuscoop

Pheonix, Arizona USA

Post Number: 773
Registered: May-06
my cousin had that car he said he just broke the radio because he was never going to use it...

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 2354
Registered: Feb-05
if its the same as the 92. there are 2 screws on the bottom that are really hard to get to. like under the ash tray. its a pain in the as s.

thats usually what people miss.

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 2355
Registered: Feb-05
just walked out to look.
also, there are 2 screws behind the air vents. and you have to pop out the hazard and defrost buttons and dash dimmer knob.

after that the black trim piece should pull off.

i've got a book on the car. if you still can't get it, i'll pull out the book and see what it says.

Gold Member
Username: Alias747


Post Number: 1067
Registered: Apr-05
Thanks Brandon, I am going to try to work on it today. However, I don't have a screw driver that can get to those screws under the ash try. How did you get them? I have one of those mini screwdrivers but even that is too long....

Silver Member
Username: Hootz

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada

Post Number: 190
Registered: Oct-05
I don't know what your car looks like, but with my 2000 civic, I had to remove the plastic piece underneath the steering wheel, and the glove box, so that I could remove the piece underneath the stereo and climate controls. After that was all off, I could get at the 4 screws that hold the whole radio and climate control assembly in place, and it all just slided out. Your car is probably totally different, but just as complicated. So just start taking stuff apart.
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