i know A LOT of people use MDF for building boxes, but i saw a box that someone built, and it looked like it was high density. the holes for the subs were used a lot more, and the wood didnt split at all, like MDF does a lot. i was wondering has anyone else used HDF?
im looking to build a box soon, and im wonderin if i should use it or not?????
You will be fine with mdf. But i havn't really seen mdf split when you drill it on the surface. You might have seen plywood, or maybe im not getting what you are describing.
no, you got what i was saying. i have a box that is MDF, and the holes got ripped up after putting subs in and then out a few times. this other box that this guy has, looked to be HDf and it wasnt carpeted, and the holes for the subs still loooked fine.
Yeah, i would think hdf would cast alot of money. PLywood doesn't do that so easy, and they come in REAL smooth grade, just as good as mdf, though it is $40-$50 while mdf is $20. If you would like i could build a box for you. go to my email address on my profile and email me if your interested.
HDF, High density fiber board is used for signs and stuff. When driving down the highway, those big exit signs? those are HDF. It used outside mostly. It would work fine for a sub box. The price is why mostppl dont use it. For box applications, MDF is just as stable and half the price.
i use 2.5" thick UHDF (ultra high density fiberboard), reinforced with 1" concrete with 1" thick steel vented supports to build all of my boxes. It's quite heavy but it doesn't flex.
I used these flush mount screw in anchors with hex bolts. I had to make sure I drilled the holes perfectly, because the mounting holes in the subs were just big enough for the bolts, but it works so well, and looks sweet. I almost didn't want to put the trim gasket on my type- r's and cover it all