I heard 2 L712's, 2 jl W612's, and 2 BA G512's. I liked the L7's the most, even though the W6's came really close in spl, which suprised me. I know most people here aren't really into L7's, but i like them. I didn't really think they sounded all that bad. I am ordering something tonight, so should i go with the L712 or alpine r 15"? Im really asking if the apline would have more spl.
Dude, i dont have the money for the W6's. I get real confused when i come close to buying a sub. There are so many options. I might go with L712 or vmax15". You see that? I added a new sub to my option list in like 3 hours.
L7's have a high failure rate, so a lot of ppl don't like them, if it was me i wouldn't get any of the subs you listed, but if i had to choose it be the 15inch type r.