Got my arsenal metered


Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 280
Registered: Mar-06
i got my arsenal metered today at my local audio store. i'm not sure how good of a meter it was (it looked pretty old) but it said i did 142.2 db's at 30hz. not sure if that is good but it is one of the loudest i've heard at that frequency.

i hooked it up to one of the stores kicker sx1250.1

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

Betsy layne, Kentucky..GO... USA duh

Post Number: 2506
Registered: Nov-04
well even if it wastn termlab...thats still a pretty good number...especially at 30Hz

Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 282
Registered: Mar-06
whoops it was a zx1500.1 i remember the little red outline on the amp. the guy said it was a sx1250.1 tho, what a tool.

yeah with that low of note my car was about to fall apart. it was figgin sweet. i remember my driver side mirror shook all the way around and folded in.

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

Betsy layne, Kentucky..GO... USA duh

Post Number: 2508
Registered: Nov-04
see...thats y i cant wait till i get my havoc powered lol...
im actually afraid it might be too loud and overpower my components

Silver Member
Username: Drivingreckless

Near tampa, Florida United state...

Post Number: 835
Registered: Apr-06
how much do u pay for them to meter ur system??????

Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 283
Registered: Mar-06
it cost 20 bucks at my place, but he also let me use one of their amps.

my 15" arsenal is overpowering my bose stock components, but they only have 17wrms going to them. that havoc will porb overpower them a lil on some songs, unless you can have like 100w rms running to each component

Bronze Member
Username: Gangstafert

Post Number: 91
Registered: May-06
I jus ordered my two arsenal 12's, I cant freakin wait.

Silver Member
Username: Paps

Yuma, AZ

Post Number: 158
Registered: Mar-06
what size was the arsenal? 12"?

Silver Member
Username: Drivingreckless

Near tampa, Florida United state...

Post Number: 838
Registered: Apr-06
no a 15"..its in his profile...

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

Benicia, California USA

Post Number: 1019
Registered: May-05
did you get it metered at any other tones?

Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 284
Registered: Mar-06
it was 141.6 at 35 hz and 140.2 at 40hz. the box is 4.1526 cu ft tuned to 27hz.

oh and while i played the song blue berry yum yum i hit 139.7.

Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 285
Registered: Mar-06
as soon as i get my camera software figured out i'll post a video. for some reason, my left mirror goes absolutley insane! the trunk flex isn't bad either.

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

Benicia, California USA

Post Number: 1023
Registered: May-05
are you really only 16?? cuz you got a f*ckin awesome car man. i got same sub as you cept 12" and i debating to tune it to 32hz or 35. Im leaning towards 32. anyone got input?

well congrats on your system, im guessing you are going for SQ right? and why not some really low, loud SQ at that?hehe

Gold Member
Username: Fandim

Reno, Nevada United State...

Post Number: 1115
Registered: Jun-05
Heh.. my firechicken was the loudest at 44hz.

Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 287
Registered: Mar-06
it's not a 2005 acura tl, its a 2001. i'm not sure why i put 2005, lol.

the arsenal is a great sub. when i put on music at about half volume it fills out the music really nicely and is not boomy at all. but when i put it on high volume it rattles and shakes everthing in the car. it also hits SO hard on low frequency songs like rompe, beats for my van, late nite tip, grillz, when we ride on our enimies, wild motherfackers, and especially blueberry yum yum. this little air freshner on my review mirror moves all over the place.

i guess the only down side to it would be that it doesn't play high bass really loud. i don't like really loud boomy high bass anyway so it works out for me, but anything above 55 hz is just like anyother sub, only with better sound quality. also i have the 15" which as a resonant frequency of like 23hz. the 12" might be much better especially if yoou tune it to the suggested 35hz.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2999
Registered: Mar-04

did the meter look like this? temZ7625307732QQihZ017QQcategoryZ25423QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 288
Registered: Mar-06
sort of, but it had less knobs on it and it was black. it also had a digital readout on it on the front.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 3000
Registered: Mar-04
more like this?


Silver Member
Username: Theweasel

Steamboat springs, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 289
Registered: Mar-06
yeah, only i think the part where it read out the spl was bigger.
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